78 TA on 23s


for sale on pgh craigslist!!

Nice its even has race car numbers on the side.haha

someone should find out where it is and blow it up with dynamite.

tht guy needs shot


the shaker is fake!?

guy needs to be murdered

however lol the car wouldn’t be that bad with normal sized rims on it. Hell i’d take it with normal rims

thinking the same thing and minus the numbers too lol

:stupid:…poor car

Donk Fabulous



them too they have to go lol

Here’s a plan…he is asking $11,500

Offer him around 9 for it…sell the horrid rims & tires…get the car for very little $$$!

What would those 23" rims & tires be worth? 5k maybe?


Nah at most you’ll get 3k for the wheels.

cant polish a turd

Burt Reynold’s is sobbing in his oatmeal.