8-05-2006 Saturday Lancaster: Kumho Street Warriorz

i was gonna go, but i think im gonna work on my engine. i had some set-backs and fuck-ups yesterday so i gotta fix those and get back to it.

O shit son…3 ss/sc are going to be there…lol side bet for the best run of the day???

im going. anyone wanna meet up and cruise up together?

i will, where u wanan meet at

Yeah, pick me up. Ill bring the camara and tape you racing too.

i dunno, im in north tonawanda. I was gonna get on the 290E by colvin blvd…where would be good for you? if more people are gonna show I would go somewhere else…

BTW!! HOLY HELL! I have a really squeeky right front brake. I just got done tearing it apart for the 3rd time and put stop squeek all over it…AND…it still does it radomly. So just be aware you MAY or MAYNOT be cruising in with a squeeky ass wrx:banghead:

sure, ill give you a ring.

my buddy said on the radio they said $15 for you and 1 passanger??? On the website it says nothing about that so, i don’t know.

wanna just meet at mighty at like 500-530, and leave around 545ish?

i cant be there by 5. close tho. we dont have to get there right at 6 do we? I would assume there would be enough parking…

let me get ready…i may be able to get there by 5:45 with 98freakgtp

ight ill meet ya there

Damn. Id go but I’m broke…unless someone wants to spot me $15 and ill add you to the list of people who i owe money to lmfao

anyone not leave yet? I wanna go but have no ride?

i just got home. good times. saw a few farmilar cars, but not as many as i had expected. we didnt stay for the bikini contest cuz the friends i came with both worked 12 hour days today and have to work 12 hour days tomorrow, so they were pretty beat and wanted to leave, which is understandable.

u should have stayed some girls top came lose, most people didnt see it but justin (redconquest) did and a few others.

lots of cars like last year, i actually got pulled on the way there casue i had no front plate. i told the cop that i was in an accident (which i was; just last year) and that was y i didnt have it on and he believed me. he asked me when i had the accident and i told him last month lol that was a close one

good times

$15 and i got in 4 runs on the bike, had to wait like 45 min+ in between runs. kinda disapointed. plus i ran shitty so that has an effect too.

that was my first time at a track, I needed a little more practice with the tree. best time 9.13 OMG! I don’t know what is going on, but I thought mid 8’s. The 1.6 60’ I thought I would run was 2.0…my clutch slips, maybe that??

What really sucked tho, was the racers couldn’t see the racing. I missed a lot of the event cause I was standing around in line. Got to see/meet a lot of people so it wasn’t a totall loss


that girl was butt ugly.

its the track lol altho i haven’t been there this year maybe they “fixed” it but my 60’ times and 1/8th mile times were always worse at lancaster than at nyi, by a good 1/2 a second

if your talking about the fact that the staging area that used to be ‘slanted’ so if you had a stick and u put the clutch in, the car would roll back, then no, they didnt fix it. they supposedly ripped it all up over winter and re-did it so it was level, but i stood there (at the starting line) for a while watching cars and they were rollin back like always.