8/21/09 - Pete Wentz, Keith Buckley, dj.dstar @ Pure Nightclub

Buffalo Black Party w/ Pete Wentz, Keith Buckley (Every Time I Die), myself and more.

You won’t want to miss this, this will be the biggest party I play in Buffalo for awhile, not to mention I move back to Connecticut two days after so Buffalo people let’s make this party go off!!! Even if you aren’t a big Pete Wentz fan I can promise I will be going hard with the electro bangers.

Buy your tickets at: BuffaloBlackParty.com or TicketMaster.com

Peep me at www.djdstar.com www.myspace.com/djdstar www.twitter.com/djdstar

See you there and thanks for the love and support for everyone i’ve ran into from here recently while i’m in town!

LOL you should see some of the Pictures of Keith and friends lol they are awesome!

I’m also not gonna lie… you will have to be waiting at the door at 10pm or earlier so you don’t have to wait for ever to get in.

Don do you know where they will be putting you? Wet lounge? or main room for opening act?

haha i can only imagine, those guys get it in

i’m going on after Pete Wentz in the Main Room

Any way you can hook us NySpeeders up with discounted tickets or something ahaha :highfive:

Anyone else find the irony in “The black party” with “all black attire” at Pure?

What he said.

I have been seeing Keith Buckley ALL around town recently. Him and Andy Williams belong to Planet Fitness on Sheridan now and he stopped into my girlfriend store while I was visiting her on break last week. Hes been walking around with a cane though :meh:

Honestly, you can tell they are just the coolest guys ever. I would love to be at this!

i can’t hook anyone up, sorry guys…

but i suggest preordering tickets. save 5 bucks…

bump, all the VIP tickets are sold out…don’t sleep cuz the regular tickets are gonna be next!

i see keith buckely every time i go to allen

good luck at the show son

why dont you see me everytime you go to allen? fggt.

thanks if you came out!

photos up at: www.djdstar.com

it was great titty night at the door. I enjoyed this even.

haha epic