800 Rap and Hip Hop tracks in 48 minutes

So there was a guy a few nites ago who combined 800 songs from 1979 to the present. The music list is pretty impressive and can be found here:http://www.bbc.co.uk/blogs/mistajam/2006/12/19792006_a_hiphop_odyssey_1.shtml

anyways if you want to download it you can get it here:http://www.zshare.net/download/1979-2006_-a-hip-hop-odyssey-800-tracks-in-a-48-minute-mix-mp3.html

its pretty incredible if you ask me, and nice to hear some of the older stuff you don’t hear so often


the overweight champion

i listen to both of his shows every week on BBC 1xtra
he has a hiphop shop & a R&B show every week.

quality stuff…that mix he played was by jag skills or something like that

downloading now!

Nice find

Pretty sick… now i want to listen to most of the songs in full!


that shit brings back memories…don’t it…lol

1989…a number…another summer…sound of funky drummer

that was hard as hell.

lol…i’m still d/ling it and just reading the list brings back memories

I started downloading the individual songs last nite; got maybe 50 songs into it. Its tough to find some of those songs

that will be next on my list to do as well

its funny…i probably have 90% of them either on CD or in mp3

yeh, i’ve been listening to this for most of the day and just when i get into a song it changes. this reminds me of a power hour cd.


funny thing is , i already have all those songs in there entirety + another 3000 on top of that.

whoa 70 Meg…downloading now
Wow, hip hop was good once.

where do you guys like to download your mp3’s from? i’m having a hard time lately finding a reliable place to do so.
