87 Ford Mustag 5.0, $4500.00

This is a gorgeous car. I wish I did not have to sell it but i need money to fix up my 63 Corvair. Go to my myspce to check it out. http://viewmorepics.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewPicture&friendID=45960952&albumId=1289910

i can’t believe you didn’t mention the fact it’s a convertible :slight_smile:

bump for a really nice looking ride

not really a big fan of the stripes or whatever those other decals are, but the car looks nice!! GLWS! what color is the interior? cant really tell from the pics

The interior is grey and black. I’ve tried really hard to keep the car clean so i hope it makes someone as happy as it has made me. I just cant keep both.

How many miles?Where is it located? Looks like somewhere in Lancaster?



This is a gorgeous car. I wish I did not have to sell it but i need money to fix up my 63 Corvair. Go to my myspce to check it out. Featured Content on Myspace


Yeah, the whole myspace link doesn’t work if one doesn’t have an account

yeah, link doesnt work, i;d like to see pics


There is 80,000ish miles don’t know for sure the car is in holland right now in a garge.

Is this an auto or 5sp?

Sent you a pm. Send me some contact info. Thanks.


some weld wheels, new trunk lid, and that would be a nice cruiser

any rips or tears in the top? any leaks?

please tell me the interior is not blue

hows the underside look?

none the less it looks solid from the pics but then again so does every fox


The car is extremely clean underneth. I had it up on a lift about a year ago and it was the cleanist underbody i’ve ever seen. I’ve owned the car for 4 years and as long as i’ve owned it its never seen snow and barely rain. The top on the other hand is pulling at the corners. I had it looked at and was told who ever put it on last made the top to tight. If you would like to call me for more info my number is 400-5904.


Looks decent except for the decals and stripes.

Is it a manual?

Yes it is a 5speed