What happened to that creeper?

Another OG member that got fed up with the crap and retired


yeah he left long long time ago. You just noticed that some of our smileys are linked to his inactive photobucket account too?

:word: hes around, just doesnt post or shit anymore. i still talk to him quite a bit actually

he doesnt shit anymore??



i saw him at a bills game a couple weeks back. then at the kid rock concert over summer. he keeps following me!

Welcome to like 2 years ago Don, lol.

He decided he wanted to ‘grow up,’ build a house, focus on work, etc. He said that if he stayed around here he’d end up spending too much money on cars and not enough where it really mattered in life.

I saw him at lafengas’ bday party.

last time i saw him danielle was feeding us shots at her bar

i miss the lil’ guy

Hmm I didn’t think he had been gone for that long. If anyone sees him tell him I said hi. :slight_smile:

last time i saw him was on his bike on walden

talked with him lastnight… he has moved on and doesn’t waste time on here anymore. I should probably do the same.

lol, he wastes time on xbox live instead

Ran into him at a Sabres game not that long ago

Life just isn’t the same with out Mikey :frowning: Come back mikey…come back…