do you still have the tires? if so, whats the condition?
tires are in horrible condition, plus have been unmounted for track days.
Bump x1000 cause I need this stuff GONE. everything is OBO now, relatives coming w/o notice FTL.
pm is key, gogogo!
hey, do you still have the fenders (driver side)?
if so il take it, can pick up today.
bro…is this car equiped with power window? if yes, pm me price for the passenger side motor assembly with the tracks, you can keep the motor, thanks
i dont think it is…
Manual passenger door: $35
Got the Ebrake cables? if so i want them. Ill get a hold of Martino o.o…
e-brake cables went to my current car, sorry
Does the starter work? i’ll give you $15
Manual passenger door: $35
Still got the door?
What condition is it in?
i took the speaker out, but its in decent condition, i think a tiny dent somewhere…
starter does still work, bit rusted though.
pm is keykeykey
lower wiring harness?
black carpet y/n? good shape?
carpet wasnt taken out before i scrapped it.
do you still have those speaker covers ?