9/16: Rides for Life Car Show @ RIT, Rochester, NY

Ya last year the contestents actually where argueing about who had a shittier car, it was funny

I’m hoping to bring 2 cars, not that I can compete as I helped organize this but it’s a great cause and a lot of fun!!

I’m definitely entering my beater.

if we want to be entered, what times will we be there (before 5 - ??)? or is judging done at 8?

Awards will be presented between 6:30 and 7 most likely – depending on how many cars show up.

I will be making my acting debut in the crash demonstration (…hello Mr. Fireman…) and I decided to enter both my cars.

jeez, maybe I’ll enter both cars too… I’m sure I can find some mud to drive the Subaru through, and then not wash it off before the show :tup:

bump for a great cause i cant make it but gl to all that go and i hope u guys raise a lot of money

i’ll be there, but probably not with the new car…

Weather forecast is still looking good.

We have good prizes, a bunch of car dealers and performance shops, displays from Monroe County Public Safety (including the elusive black Mustang), RIT Mini Baja and Formula SAE cars, FLR SCCA timing van, DWI crash simulation, etc. etc.

Did I mention it’s for a good cause?? The season is winding down quick. Hope to see a bunch of you out there!

For those that missed it, here are some pics from the show:

Here’s the pics from Marnie’s (MXS) account:

And here’s another set that has been posted online: