9/27 - Brennans - My bday

Brennans @ 8 w00t

oooooo shieeeeeeeettttttttttttt wednesday night crew assemble!

edit: you got a fake ID to get in? you’re like 13 now right?

bring back Wednesday night shananigans at Brennans! woo woo

8 might be too early for me though

I just said 8 assuming everyone would get there by 9-9:30 lol

If you say 8? You’ll be there before midnight, right?

Weds nights > *

I will make sure to come on here and post that I am coming and go on your myspace and do the same and then not show up the day of :tup: :lol:

they have good meatloaf :slight_smile:

like i’ll be somewhere else…

I thought we decided that was not my fault :lol:


what time you getting there



fell asleep justin sorry i couldent make it

good times :tup:

lol don’t use my excuse on me.


Happy belated bday Shermula :slight_smile: hope you had a good time, sorry i couldn’t make it out.

wish i could been there