91 Civic Si w/ B16 + more

wow! hope everything works out for you. You didnt notice any of this when you bought it??or missing parts?

ps… i took this thing to the track on friday… uhhh b16a shouldnt run a 17.6 with a better start than a car who ran a 13… for christ sake a elantra pwnd me…

and im not retarted… plus i snapped My cat from my launch…


Well if your vtec isnt kicking in, then thats what you should expect from a 1.6 If you fixed that prob then you might want to make sure your timing belt is on correctly. Didnt you test drive this thing before you bought it?

so what do ya kno… now this fucking car wont start… it doesnt crank it doesnt do anything… biggest piece of shit if i knew this i would have offered 800 bucks.

at least i can walk…

I’ll give you $800 for it. :naughty:

Wow, what an ass. There is no reason why you have to say something like that. What does that have to do with you buying a car you didnt know anything about? Its people like you that make this world a shit hole. Maybe you should look at things more carefully next time before you purchase them. Did you ever think about that? Don’t bring in Jordan’s disability into this.

ya what a dick

This has gone well beyond a classified ad. Feel free to start up a new thread if you want.