I really dont think thats a slobra …
no wing,no hood, i would need a front shot … but it’s not a smokin deal by any means
I really dont think thats a slobra …
no wing,no hood, i would need a front shot … but it’s not a smokin deal by any means
The spoiler on my 98 cobra looks just like that except it matches my paint, the hood is GT, but the bumper kinda looks like it goes into cobra fog lights, can’t see the brakes either.
Not many yellow sn95 cobras around here, that’s why I’m interested, speed wise it’s only 240hp, 25 more than a gt, but the brake and suspension upgrades are nice. hopin for a higher milage but clean chassis.
Looks as if someone slapped some Cobra stuff on a GT.I’ve seen many yellow GT’s but never seen a yellow Cobra in person.As a mattter of fact,i don’t think i have ever seen a yellow Cobra what so ever…
1996-1998 Cobra’s had the forward facing hood vents.They also had a noticable bulge on the hood.Hence the addition of the 4.6L DOHC 32 valve V8.Good powerplant BUT still not powerful enough to compete with GM’s F-bodys.
1994-1995 Cobra-R’s had a 5.8L GT-40 style motor.The 1993 Cobra’a had a GT-40 style 5.0L motor rated at 235 hp.Not real sure what the base '94-'95 Cobra’s would have for a motor.However im sure it was rated for more than 235 hp for the previous models.