96 honda accord bak window or door

im looking for a back window or the door with the window dont matter what color it is…its for a 1996 honda accord wagon

do sedans and wagons use the same window? If so, M&M with have one, unless it’s wagon-only and then you may have a tough time finding stuff.

yo i knw if m&m would have one i would get it…y do u think i posted it on here cuz i cant find it at no junk yard!!!

Simmer down buddy- sorry for trying to help. Amazingly some people don’t even know anything about that yard. I’d tell you other places you might find a wagon, but fuck it…

my bad its jus for some reason whenever i post something i need or trying to sell someone says the most ignorant things i thought u were jus tryin to be a smart a$$ lol

No worries. May be a long shot, but try Skyway on Tifft st. They always have oddball imports back there, they don’t always know what they have but it may be worth taking a walk back to look.

so what you mean to tell me is that you can find it at any junkyard?

airheads response wasnt smartass at all, this one most def was

found one $900…