98 Audi A4 quattro

since no one is particularly interested in my sicvic, and I’d rather keep her anyway…

would someone care to purchase a 1998 Audi A4 Quattro with the 2.8L 30 valve V6. in excellent condition with the exception of a dent on the hood. there are 170,000 miles and no issues. I am looking to get $4500.oo OBO or possible trade for a reliable utility van or similar for commercial contracting use in good condition, of equal or lesser value. a couple buck my way would be preferred.

in any case… :number1 LET THE BIDDING WARS BEGIN!

or something like that…

Really nice wheels GLWS

Streetglow. FUCK YEAH!!


lol, yeah… that sticker is gone.

ok, I picked up a decent van tonight so I don’t need that, although a trade for a cheaper/good fuel economy car +cash may be considered as my little sis is looking for a first car. other than that, $3800 quick sale would be acceptable.

$3200 obo. needs a little work but well worth it!

dam wish i had money like that id love to whip a audi around for a little while, maybe a test drive lemme know

No audi is cheap to drive.

^ nope… it’s a sweet ass ride but when the dealership is just about the only place to go for anything it gets to be annoying. new oil pan on this thing now thanks to Wallyworld breaking the old one, btw, they won’t change the oil in this… prob not up-selling too well but if you’re gonna buy an Audi you’ll have to maintain it too.

$2800- bottom dollar. don’t really need this car, or to have 3 cars sitting in my drive. come take this beauty this wkend! :slight_smile:

I’ve got 1800.

can you do $2500? or have something trade-able?

sold, thank you for your time! :pop