98 ford tauras 87xxx cheap

Im sellin my girls 98 tauras it has 87xxx on it. Runs great, shifts great. Body rough not to rusty just some surface rust.but has some nice dents in it. The only thing wrong with it is it needs power steering work. I think it might just be a line but not sure havent really looked into it. just want it gone shes getting new car next week. Lookin to get $1200 obo. Car is located in south buffalo. Is still on road being driven just no power steering. I would post pics but they make the car look alot better than it is you cant really see the dents and stuff in pics.

bump It has 89xxx on it oops. Need this gone new car comin sat. $1000 obo great winter beater. Shit drive it threw the winter and resell in the spring make your money back.

Make a offer need this gone!!!

sold sold sold