A day with Z's (and a s2k)!

So on sunday a couple of us met up, blade, assass1n, strife350z & his wife(with the s2k), Reality350z, and goneinsixtyseconds. Was a good day of lounging around, I was going to borrow my friend’s Canon 5d, but decided not to. “It’d be like sleeping with another man’s wife. It just isn’t yours.”

Onto the pictures! All shot with my Canon Powershot S3 IS (which is FS atm. sorry, selfless plug :icon38:)

Constructive critique encouraged, as I would like to work on my composition.
All images can be found at http://www.flickr.com/photos/kevburgler.
All images are copyright KMS Photography/Kevin Saunders. Please do not distribute, manipulate or outsource any image found here to any external forum/website/message board/ads without prior consent.













ahhh always enjoy your shots.

you should make wallpapers of some of your pics, or even better yet make some TNC wallpapers with the pics.

my radiator looks hawt :wink:

oh, and btw … strife350z has a ballin’ family going on :slight_smile: husband drives a nicely modded z, wife drives a nicely modded s2k, and their future kids probably will be hopping around in modded m3’s or something :smiley:

I’ll take one of those please! (Wife, or car?.. I’m not too sure here) :stuck_out_tongue:

She likes cooks, AND LOVES CARS!!!
–now if there were only more like her… in the asian variety… :frowning:

looks like people need more tire shine :stuck_out_tongue:

^^ not all of us are ballin’ all the time in our z’s :slight_smile:

what can i say, ballin’ in my hobby.


wayne has a garage that i envy. imagine having a modded 350z for myself and having a sick s2k for my wife.

sick pictures like always man… you make thos cars look sexy…

Thats all car man…hehehe:p

Kev you do have a great eye for photo’s keep up the great work.
And much thanks again.


hehehe the pix will look better after the upgrade shifty eyez :smiley: