a few last hoo-rah runs this week maybe wed?

ill run you, I got my car ghetto rigged to where its legal.

I really think the only solid videos we get are from mine or Corey’s camera…my camera was producing HOT action early in the season.

So come the fuck out!

if johnnyk gets the cam ill film

hawt shit what whattt

so why didn’t corey man up and he had a camera when everybody was there.

need to learn how to round up the team, mike sanation style

Were were waiting for you Petarrrr
late to your own party yo!

well nobody said they would go with me to film/ let me ride with them to film. idk i asked but everyone just stood there

Rensselaer? Im suprised we dont see each other more often.

yep. lived here my whole life.

and btw i want to go against seamoose and matt again sometime

YOU WERENT ROUNDIN EM UP RIGHT!!! did you see, a few shouts and hollers and everybody was ready to rock. sanatation round up style

:rofl hahaha you need to teach me the correct way to do it next time



no its a YUKON DENALI. 6.0 LQ

kramer is just dumbbbb and thinks its an envoy.