a few last hoo-rah runs this week maybe wed?

Anyone have some LOW 80mph players??


callin petes TDI :haha

The focus and Denali are no faster than 80…prob 75 at best

His shit would YAAAANKKKK the foci, hes got twice the torque :lol

Focus is prob right around there, the Denali might surprise ya…

No seriously the Denali smoked stallmers v6 626 back in the day and that thing trapped like 89

Oh wow

i was like :eek2

There were 7+ drunks in the NALLLIIIII sat, and that thing was beating a newer V6 Eclipse :rofl

Yea the Denali fucking boots hard. It beat stallmers old b16 swapped eg too

I’m scared of the denali lmfao

Its going to rain Wednesday any way

I’ve got a base rsx that’s slow.

thats why i thought we were gonna do this on thursday ya jamoock

harharhar funny ashshole i went 85


flame and go

might cruise out in the multicolored dirt mobile.

minivan vs denali around thanksgiving

lets fucking do this thing.

can the denali do this though?

The minivan will get crushed