A little some thing to celebrate

Its true he does. Paul how you feeling today big guy

I think PJB is admitting it was him.

so it was you Dave?

I feel ok other than this damn coughing shit.

Last night I wasnt falling asleep because I was drunk, I was falling asleep because I was wicked tired.

Yea was a long previous night

No, like I said I dont fuck with people’s shit like that.

yeah, and riding yesterday and my cold sure didnt help.

waiting for jammer to chime in :lol

Quiet, I’m resting. Left at 4 to ski at 6…

I took them :slight_smile: I’ve always wanted a REAL pair of UGGS 3 sizes too big (Wayne secretly wares them haha)

Thanks again Sean for having us- we had a great time!

Was my pleasure

def will invite you to our next bash as well. just try not to throw one on the SAME DAY as me this year!!! :rofl:banghead

Ha ha I think I can accomodate that request

haha i didnt see any shoes outside when we left and the uggs were still in the garage. so it happened after i left around 1… i think i saw pete hiding behind the bushes as i was leaving!

Where are the videos?!

Haha there are pictures on facebook but no videos have been uploaded yet

I heard there is a good .gif worthy video!!! Possible sig content for many members here.

oh really?!?! what’s it of?

Kjugs doing werk, like a pimp.

need to see.