Thanks Ryan and welcome aboard. I’ve updated the driver’s roster in the original post. I think everyone wins in this event. It gives you the inspiration to improve your economic driving technique and possibly vehicle prep as well. If everyone in this country simply checked their air pressure in their tires regularly, we’d be saving more fuel than you can fathom.
Check this out:
There is a club out in Wisconsin known as the MiHG [Milwaukee Hybrid Group]. They put on “Pump Your Ride” events that inform people about keeping their tires inflated properly for $avings. As members of the MiHG, they all know the important role that tire pressure plays in driving more fuel efficiently as well as safely.
Bridgestone Tire reports that close to 40% of all tires or 44 million drivers are driving on under inflated tires with about 16% seriously under inflated.
The National Traffic Safety Administration shows that 87% of all tire failures show a history of under inflation contributing to close to 700 deaths and 33,000 injuries each year.
-Carnegie Melon University says that properly inflated tires can save drivers over $400 per year with gas at $2.75 per gallon.
- US Dept. of Energy estimates that of the 20 million gallons of gas used every day, 3.5 million gallons could be saved with properly inflated tires.
The 1.91 gallons of gas I used to travel 118.7 miles at last year’s event cannot be considered to have been “wasting” fuel. My 61.5 mpg demonstration last October has inspired many people to drive more fuel efficiently. I have to laugh at people I see everyday that rush up to a traffic light and then slam on the brakes. They have no clue…