A Song...

I wrote a while ago just wondered what you guys thought about it i know its not that good without music but my friend who wrote the chords for it is being gay about recording it so whatever here it is…be gentile…

what do you call this thing hanging from my chest
this gapeing hole left in my chest
i think it might have been where my heart once stood
now lieing at my feet sad and misunderstood

everybody wants to be super man
soaring with the girl of thier dreams, if they can
oh fly right through the night
every woman wants her own super man
to take them places they cant go, by the hand
as long as they feel, just right

slowly the scar tissue will encase
th area thats no longer embraced
time is the only way to heal my disgrace
paraded her around as a godess dressed in lace

everybody wants to be super man
soaring with the girl of thier dreams, if they can
oh fly right through the night
every woman wants her own super man
to take them places they cant go, by the hand
as long as they feel, just right

with her sadistic side surpressed
her hair and make up done and so beautifuly dressed
she met and won my circle of friends
now they dispise her to all ends
my internal delema the million dollar question
to stay friends with her still fearing deporession
or walk away while love burns so hot
and never look back on this god forsaken spot

fico, he is to bored to be up this late…

the first verse has too much explaining and word matching. well most of the song in general … but with no music its hard to tell. good try.:bigthumb:

what kind of song is it? metal/punk/alternative/ ect…

x2 There’s just something wrong about rhyming a word with itself.

are you kidding?
