A sound between retarded and choking..


I’ve liked Patrice O’Neal for a couple years… and I know he is on O+A ( although I don’t listen to it ) so I’m sure most of you know who he is.

This is just a short clip he did for HBO’s One Night Stand a couple years back.

The end is just fucking great.


omg that was awesome hahahaah

I like playing press your luck when I get a blow job.

no whammy no whammy no whammy big bucks big bucks no whammy… STOP!!!


“damn it stop it!”

then do it again but think it to your head…



then i just fart after that cause she is being bitchy…

wtf bump. this is funny shit!

lol i love patrice oneal… dudes fucking hillarious.

pretty much the only real reason i listen to O&A is for the episodes when patrice, bill burr, louis ck etc. are on

fucking priceless!

i totally lol’d

i i fucking love patrice!


he is ALWAYS hilarious when he’s on O&A

ok dane cook :stuck_out_tongue:


hahahaha, god just the title made me LOL alone