a stupid vid we made when bored

Heres a video a few my friends and i made when we were bored. Its not good in any sense, but has some comical value. Im the guy in the trench.

jesus christ.

let’s make a short list of things that suck…

i can’t decide what to put at the very top, but it would either be you or this shitty video. After that, i’d probably throw your friends on the list, and maybe some asinine post by 92civicdx.


totally fucking worthless

No, it does not.

I clicked the link, saw that it was 4 minutes long, and said fuck it.

but now you have no reason to dislike it :tdown:

:wtf: I’m still reading the opening screens and I’m already annoyed. First screen was wrong. Most rainforest clearing is for farming and lumber, not for housing and industrial expansion. Oh, and is a square acre different than a linear acre? Oh yeah, and rainforest only has one R.

Guam is a Pacific island. It is composed primarily of limestone. It does not have rainforests. Here is what the “densely planted southern Guam” looks like:

And then one guy starts beating another guy with a stick. Um…

ban him…now

I have seen better looking shit come out of my ass

I am sorry, but I am going to have to request that you make a video, of you, shitting.

:lol: its about time someone called someone else out on that.

The real question is though, would you want to see it if it was made?

I already knew this thread was going to be shit as soon as my cursor got within 10 feet of the link. :tdown:

It wasnt meant to be serious, its just us dicking around.

we all hate you. leave now.

I don’t have a video camera, will a photo suffice?

Hmmm…I was thinking somehow it would get better…but it didnt…kinda like sex with an ugly chick…yeah its sex and all…but its just no good.

Your video = :tdown:

I know its shitty, i just found it funny the way it was put together. meh. not worth explaining
