^I have been informed that Vin Diesel has taken over the office for the last hour.
Also, I discovered that the big bang theory was actually the study of Vin Diesel’s first bowel movement :eekdance:
Zong- Digging for gold
fucking lol!
<---- :biglaugh:
Oh no they’re leaving.
The last shot before the weekend…
I loved being an SA up there, hahaha
but what the fuck are you doing sitting around like nerds, last time i remember, there was some pretty hot tail up there
they work on the first floor, they arent sweet enough to be on the 5th
and yes, the mail room girls were consistently hot
i thought the provost’s IT group sat in that little dark room in the Vice-President’s section of 5th floor capen, at least thats what it was when I was there (2001-2003)
yeah…its been lacking in the past few months
Week 2.
Ken’s new shirt…that he is very proud of.