Post a photo of your cubical/office/workspace!


  1. only your desk counts.
  2. it can be your work desk or your home desk.
  3. your desk must be CLEAN.
  4. naked girls on your desk +5

once i clean mine ill get some pics…


ready go

ohh snap good idea…im cleaning today

here comes jons friggin 12 monitor matrix monitoring setup again…


i’ll take pics of mine later

ill try and get a naked girl on mine later.

DOES Sport Illustrated SwimSuit Calendar count as naked

Took this at Christmas when I got my new monitor

Aeron chair + cisco phone with CTU ringer = +100

lol I have the same mouse pad… but mine is a little beat up :frowning:

My mom gave it to me… she got it at work. I don’t even own a Dell lol

lol thats where I got mine (work)

^ cable management at its finest :slight_smile:

You think that’s bad…

You should see what they call cable management at my work :bloated:

where is the guy with the 20 monitors with the matrix screensaver on?

did you get that stanley cup at the opening sabres game?:wiggle:

i’ll give you the chair for 50, but cisco phones :tif:

lol yea i never noticed it was so bad until that picture :stuck_out_tongue:

You know winter is toooooo long when threads like this start popping-up!