Post a photo of your cubical/office/workspace!
This is my little home studio / workstation / video editing suite. Lafengas may recognize his 19" Sony (the one on the far left). Yes, I painted the walls that color yellow. Makes a drab Buffalo winter not seem so depressing. :slight_smile: All 3 speakers are the same size, the fisheye distorted them quite a bit.

We have tons of those Herman Miller chairs at work. I figured it was some kind of architectural thing. They’re not especially comfortable when they buy size Medium and everyone at work would prefer a size Large. :gotme:

Here it is

not my desk, taken @ the company we just bought

My desk:

HAHAH WTF, first of all the setup, second of all the slippers:gay2:

I have many computers. gaming box, media box, server, testing.

Yes the slippers are :gay2:but they are my roommates. She was using my computer last night.


I see a bottle of someone’s lube!!!

i see no lube. where is this lube you speak of?

I’m sure that im wrong but i thought it would be funny and when i saw the owl there was no way i wasnt missing my orly opportunity

Ya I meant the computer setup was sweet, and a huge :tup: to female roommate using your computer.

My girlfriend has the same slippers…wait…what night did you take that pic…she said she had…



Spray lube? It looks like bug spray

maybe its sex toy cleaner, but i was more or less going for the joke there, not really serious about the lube thing as you can probably tell.

lol @ finding something that you can spray for sexual purposes

How’s the old desk treating ya??? I knew that thing was built like a rock!!! :lol:

I really didn’t want to let down my fans

winner. That’s exactly what it is. What it’s doing on my desk? :gotme:

This desk is like a tank. Seriously. You cannot hurt it. I think they’ll have to bury me with this thing.

^^ :lol:

where do u work that you get that kinda set up chino