The Official Nyspeed Photo Hunt v.3rd times a charm

Paging Geoff. (Shortly after starting at Praxair, they literally had him move his office to the basement.)

^^ lol.

At least the leak stopped. And they’re prepping my shiny NEW office as we speak! :skunk:

(no red stapler here, I think I can find one though)

I remember seeing one around here, I can’t remember who’s office it was in though… FK.

Damn it I can’t find any here.

EDIT - Good call on keeping this to office related items or things that could likely be found at a day job.

damn. i have one right here but no way to get a picture uploaded

This is why the Day Crew ownz all.

Lets get that pic up and get the game moving…

if you have a cell, you can text to an email address…

it should have to be a swingline

its amazing anything gets done each day in the corporate world.

if sprint you cant do it… it will prompt you to buy “pic mail” $5 a month

but all others you can do what CTN said

what there is ppl that really work

if anyone needs to send a pic for me to upload via emial pm me

DO NOT FAIL Day Crew…night crew had a pic up in 5 seconds…granted it was beer…but we can do better…we must do better…we WILL do better!

i went hunting for said item, but was unable to locate it.

lol, me too. I did a quick sweep of my building and surrounding buildings, and as a result got roped into talking to my director for 10 minutes. d’oh.

should have been a black one…fail on the OP…

it is unable to get found after 30 min we shold move on to a new one

too easy.


well hurry up then :slight_smile:

CTN Saves the day!

And a black stapler would be too easy…I have one sitting next to me…but the challenge and irony of a red one will set this thread on a glorious pursuit.



A pic of a strange looking male coworker…

:lol: You fucking painted a stapler for this thread? :lol:

Hmm… Should I go to Geoff’s office or go find DRV NKD in the high bay? :lol: Naw I’ve actually got work to do…

lol at newman…that will do …