A4 getting hella nutty

only if i get to throw rotten turtle meat at u while we are racing.

I’ll race you both with the VR4 snow or not

Do a better burnout then in the OP, then you might be worthy

just dont re-enact what you did in lake george. haha

Low blow man low blow

i honked when i drove by. that was classic

Sorry that the AWD control system of the VR4 is so superior to the Quattro system that there is no tire spin:ninja

My LG burnout was weaksauce with the vette.

That’s all I got outta that

your vette is weaksauce


Touche’ :banghead

sorry. still have vette love.

Still dont believe it. Thats just a tach. you could have been in a field somewhere, and edited the noise in. lol JK

cold roads and massive clutch dump FTW I guess.

The haters are coming around

mo money

mo problems

Never said I hated it turn nugget… just didnt know about your whip and didnt see it possible from a > 200BHP awd car. :lol

Now who was the other burn out marks from, casue they look like fail.

No they were both mine, I did the first one which was the good one you can see. Then I turned around to do another and with the tires heated up it just spun for a little then hooked

Ohhh i see the drivers side unloaded and the pass side hooked…


I just saw the marks and started laughing