
iced tea.

yeah especially turners…

Why I have no idea. There was a time when I was working in the field where I would drink a gallon a shift.

That time of that quantity has since past and thank god because it was playing hell on my blood pressure…lol


ill have to agree with watching those

:eek2: , You cant tease us like that.

a jug of T.I.T. and two off the top…right whitey :bigthumb:

good call

Goddamn…that shit doesn’t even deserve to be called “pizza”. It’s too fucking sweet. Pizza’s supposed to be spicy and greasy.

tit is da shit… hands down, had some today actually… and i had Aiello’s sooooo chronic

I am enjoying some turners right now at the console :smiley:

don’t spill

its got the greasy part down but it is sweet thats what makes it special:greddy: I love that shit