are you addicted

are ya? and if so, which most?

yeah, but all mental, no chemical :x:

high on life kid :boink

A&W rootbeer & keystone party mix

my only vice is the occasional ‘coffee’ and too many mt. dews at work

u can vote for more than one

morning dew

rootbeer and real ice tea

gotta have breakfast, that is about it.

my wife & daughters!

:wtf: wow i’m the only coffee drinker

+physical :idb:

If I don’t have like 4 cups o’ joe in the morning I am a raving bitch. I can go all day at the office w/o smoking (from the time I get up in the morning till about 530-6 pm I don’t smoke, no smoking in office and don’t smoke in either car) but the minute I step into the house I gotta smoke. Gotta have my couple glasses of merlot/chianti/shiraz (anything red) at night too…

:cool: i used to drink like 5 cups before lunch and another couple in the afternoon. coffee owned my blood pressure, now i’m down to 2 or 3 a day and i’m good. i like a drink, but i don’t neeeeeeed a drink. i neeeeeeeed my coffee.

woooooops sheetz coffee

and me :idb:

mountain dew

smokes… so much so that my nickname in high school was “nicotine nick”

I can’t have any caffeine - haven’t had any for a few years now :slight_smile:

I only drink alcohol at parties and then it’s only 1-2 beer’s for the whole party.

I used to live on mountain dew and snickers bars, maybe that’s why my stomach is all fucked up. If I had a glass of pop, I would spend the next 4 hours blowing up the shitter, it ain’t pretty. :smiley:

Sheetz coffee (large) on the way to work, and my coffee cup holds 3 regular cups…I have at least 2 or 3 of them over the course of the day.

I’m dead on my feet until my stop at Sheetz.