So I've been drinking 8 cups of coffee a day for the last 7 years.

And I’ve had enough of feeling like dog shit every morning and being a slave to my coffee cup.

Took 400mg of caffein each day Monday and Tuesday, 200mg yesterday, and nothing today. And I feel great!

Aside from the splitting headache and the urge to stab anyone who looks at me…

Anyways, yeah, back in the day crew. I was comissioning a new oxygen plant in south carolina for a couple of weeks. I finished doing my part to accelerate our inevitible march towards the eventual heat death of the planet, then took a few days off from NYStupid.

I’m back.


8 Cups as in 64 oz?

ew lol if I drink 1 cup a coffee a month thats a lot for me.

That’s exactly why I never got into coffee.

I have a 1-3 cups a week on average.

8 cups as in most of a pot. I dunno, give or take, depending on how good the night before was.

thats a fuck load of coffee.

I have ~half cup in the morning, then 2-3 days/week a single single iced cofffee after lunch.

I hear crystal meth really helps with the caffeine withdrawal.

and you must have some wicked work shits.

I’m banking on alcohol picking up the slack. I did some experimenting at a couple of all-inclusives I’ve been to, and some alcohol in the morning will kill the headache if you don’t get enough coffee.

welcome back, and good luck with staying away from the coffee. hope all goes well and we dont hear of anything on the news with someone getting stabbed with a pencil from you!

mmm…oh the memories. frozen daiquiris at the swim up bar make a lovely breakfast.

caffeinated coffee makes my heart hurt… don’t ask me why, I can drink anything else in the world with caffeine in it and have no problems.

that said, I average maybe 1 decaf every 2 months

This is how alcoholics are made.

One addiction gone will lead towards another.

I would suggest finding something new besides booze.



+karma because I could actually read that. Your grammar is getting better! :clap: And thanks for the encouragement!

hey, ive been working on it more for you guys! lol

I call it “water.” And exercise, and eating better. I’m just sick of feeling the way geoff looks. :lol:

Wait till you get a kidney stone :tup:

Ha welcome back Fry.

Why would I get a kidney stone?

(Oh, and I’ve had them. Or at least so the doc thinks, never found a stone so it was probably tiny. And even that hurt like a motherfucker.)

Drinking lots of coffee leads to kidney stones…