Adirondack Nationals Sept. 9-11th Lake George

:lol:lol:lol Was that in bolton by the lonebull?
I agree, it was the best car show thus far. I tried doing one last night, but I had a car load of people and all it did was hook:crackup Did a few good ones thursday and friday night though.

:facepalm lg cops are the WORST dude… 3 summers ago I got arrested bc I threw a quarter cup of WATER at a FRIEND while walking down the strip… Cop saw me and legit handcuffed me and took me to the station lol… You NO they dont got shit to do when they do thaat shit.

gotta pay all 1200 of their salaries somehow I suppose.

I’m a little disappointed that you didn’t fall off anything drunk this year :lol

we were discussin that as well . jellies didnt get the chance to smell my balloon knot this yr lol

I only did that once two years ago. You were 3 or 4 years running.

I drank a bit on Thursday and a little yesterday but didnt get wasted.

I love how late friday night some dudes were ready to fist fight over racing cars, and Pete with his big lanky ass walks over and starts throwing me in the mix to run them.

you sure are a character Brute.

I wanted to chat with the dude that had the TTC6ZO6 with the custom tag ‘hayes 22’ or whatever…

No vid, but I did get a couple really crappy pics.


Thanks to whoever had the truck/trailer setup. It was great to meet almost none of you.

My favorite part of the night was when the guy did a burnout.

that semi/truck is laker joe from caroga lake he is a cool guy use to have a bar up by his house

Yeah we both got thrown in the mix the guy wasn’t mad at me he was pretty cool it was just a bunch of drunk idiots running their mouths. I was down to run though. :lol

Not sure if I met you or not but that was my brother’s truck with the trailer. The trailer was brought up there empty with the sole purpose of having people on it to watch the burnouts and fun.

I saw that one :rofl

yo adam anybody get a video of one of my burnouts?

I have a mess of photos to upload this year. Was a great time. We had that stretch of road in front of Valero seal coated for the winter.

only a few sick burnouts stick in my mind and yours is one of them

Thing is though besides the Jersey shore wanna bes no D-bags ever really went on the cruises. it was usually the same 6-8 dudes that always went give or take the few who had to work that day or had broken cars

coolest thing ive seen at lgan…

that bitch yelling “get out of the road” totally ruined a good video

I would like to find that woman and cause her physical harm.