bought this off a buddy of mine… apparently it works good, he bought it new and never got a chance to use it. just installed it.
not sure what its worth so ill trow it up for 250 bucks…
for s13 sr20det…
comes with a box of wiring not sure whats in there…
looks like this

this thread sucks other than your vague description of something worth $1700 that you’re selling for $250.
what??? its too good to be true
a joke right? i dont even have a s13 sr20 but i would still buy this
SOLD to me, ill call you when you wake up
What the fuck dude! 250?
Well…I don’t need it, but up your price bro. Make some MONEY!!!
I’m pretty sure this is a joke/mockery at his FS thread where he bought a car for $300 or something stupid and posted it up FS for $4K
I mean all the power to him but if this is a joke… :squintnono:
sold to s_14_2nv
good luck man thanks for the qucik sale, lock.
what the fuk did i miss out on