AEM Wideband Group-Buy! $250

SG is going to be bringing to you bi-weekly group-buys of products you guys are most interested in getting. Our initial group-buy is going to be for AEM Wideband UEGO Gauges. ANY turbo car should have a wideband, as it is the one gauge that can tell you “hey dude your shit is going to blow!” - before it actually does.

Learning how to read a wideband is very simple and I can do a writeup for anyone that isn’t totally familiar with gasoline air fuel ratios, what you want when cruising, boosting, and the safe limits of varying conditions. It’s actually very simple!

We are able to get a great deal on these gauges right now and can offer them for $250. They retail for $250USD so that gives you an idea of just how good of a price this really is. HOWEVER, if we get more than 20 people interested we may be able to get an even better price.

As always, installation is available at SG, as is dyno tuning.

Please leave a note here if you’re interested, or email

The cut-off for ordering is June 14, 2009
And they can be picked up June 17, 2009

I had one for 257$ + 20$ brokerage. THIS IS A STEAL!

250 tax in? Ill probably be taking one of these bad boys.

I want one.

We’ll talk when I finally get my shit sorted out and come in for an alignment.

Im most likely down.

this is a good price, is this with tax of plus tax?

I am already down!

Of course Sasha would do something so badass.

in for the Group Buy

Add your name to the list if you want one


Perfect Boys… but we need more people!!! Make sure everyone knows of this sick deal! The more people the better deal we can get for all!

can this be moved to parts for sale? This thread needs more views!


how about SC’d cars

^Yes, the form of forced induction is irrelevant. You need to know your AFR’s to see whether you’re running adequate fueling for the condition. I want to buy one of these as well, this is such a good deal, but I’m going to hold off putting my name on the list until I have some actual cash to show for it. :slight_smile:


Even for N/A cars it is good to have a wideband, but forced induction is the most critical as the cylinder pressures are getting up there and a lean mixture can do a lot more damage!

I’ll add the posting to parts for sale, thanks!

thanks for the info.
i am really tempted to jump in on this

what is required for installation?

how much is installation for a wideband?

I’m totally in if price would be around $200 or so.