Ahhnold flips off lawmakers


The old Arnold would have used his air force experience to fly a Harrier up to a crane where this guy was chasing after his daughter and eventually get him to land on a missile on the aircraft only to be fired into his comrades helicopter.


Lol true lies

or would have road on the back of a small pick up truck while firing a gernade launcher at an on coming semi truck with a t1000 driving.

Or threw a sawblade at some dudes head after they kidnapped his daughter and brought her to Val Verde…


God I cant wait till Vin Diesel runs for office.

The old Arnie would have been part of a genetic experiment and tracked down the guy who sent him this letter only to find out hes his 4’11 twin brother who is being chased by loan sharks.

It’s not a tumor!

Ruuuuuuuuuuuuuunn! Get to the chopppa.

Come on! Do it! Kill me, Im here!

My CPU is a neural net processor, a learning computer!

or he would have walked into a police station with an automatic rifle in his right hand and a 12 gauge in his left and wiped out the whole building except his initial target. An unarmed, untrained Sarah Connor.

LOLOL, fucking awesome.

“I am the famous comedian, Arnold Brownschweiger!”

"You’ve seen those movies where they say Make My Day, or I Am Your Worst Nightmare… Well listen to this one;


It must be posted: http://www.albinoblacksheep.com/flash/arnold

Are you guys crazy? obviously the old arnold isn’t aware of his impending demise, thats why one of his on screen roles will come to life, teaming up with young danny maddigan to stop benedict the hitman from killing him

i think it’s pretty sweet and balsy