i think its just a reflection or something cause if you look above the “alien” you can see what looks like another head with bigger eyes and a elongated head
i found this one to be a better video then that one
im very interested in seeing the actual video just because its probably grainey garbage, but i do believe there are other plantes out there with life other than earth. Just want to lol at what this guy has to offer as absolute proof.
why would someone be recording theyre own window at night? Did the thing just keep poppin its head up or what? That makes me think BS. I do think they have to be out there somewhere but id have to see the “real” video.
LOL Blinking eyes means it’s real!
ok so im curious about the actual vid, larry king supposedly has the vid but the freeze frame pic is CLEARLY noy yhe same window as the video he is showing… Ugh i know this is BS i have no idea why i bothered looking. NM the captions under the vid claims that was a remake of the video…
LOL @ this one:
Aaron that is the remade video. If you look in the still pic its a large picture window that vid is not the same as the one they are talking about.
Why is this news? Aren’t we electing a new president soon? Are there not more important issues to be discussed?
Not gonna lie, that shit creeps me the fuck out. I saw ET when I was really little and it scared the piss out of me. Alien shit’s creeped me out ever since. I could barely watch Signs.
:tinfoilhat: :ohnoes: