
An Apollo 14 astronaut told a group of UFOlogists Monday that aliens are not a myth and called on the government to disclose its findings, The Washington Times reported.
“It is now time to put away this embargo of truth about the alien presence,” Edgar D. Mitchell, who made the longest moonwalk in history, told those attending a conference in Gaithersburg, Md., set up by the Paradigm Research Group.
“I call upon our government to open up … and become a part of this planetary community that is now trying to take our proper role as a spacefaring civilization,” the 79-year-old added. “We are being visited.”
Paradigm Research Group founder Stephen Bassett backed Mitchell’s theory and demanded that President Obama’s administration release all information concerning extraterrestrial beings.
“If it does not disclose, by the end of May — this is not a threat or anything, you don’t threaten the United States government, they’re heavily armed … the PRG has an enormous and substantial network, and quite a bit of documentary evidence connected to this, particularly politically … and we are going to be extensively putting that out to the media, and we’re just going to make it as difficult on them as possible,” Bassett told the newspaper.

omg its on fox news

do people beleve this shit

He later called the interviewer “son” and asked if he could help him find his way home.

He has said this before, I think. Maybe someone else can chime in…

I believe

Not regarding the article but “Do people believe this shit?” - Is it so hard to fathom that we’re most likely not the only planet with living beings? Not so much big ugly aliens, but something.

I guess the better question is do people believe that even in the infinite vastness of space that we are the only living creatures?

Meh. While I believe there are other intelligent lifeforms somewhere in the universe, I do not believe they are, or would have the capability to visit distant planets.

You always word things so much better than I can. Ha.

How would this effect religious beliefs if proven to be true?

I don’t think that’s the question being asked here…

have other life forms created advanced enough technology to travel billions of light years away and still jam our cameras when they show up allowing the governments of thousands of countries across the globe to come together in a world wide conspiracy to prevent public knowledge of unexplained visits?

I’d have to say no.

Why, because in the 200k years that Homo sapiens have been on this planet we haven’t figured out how? 200k years is an eye blink in the history of the universe.

I am a christian and have no trouble grasping the idea that other life forms could be out there

So would this mean god created them too?

OMG … no … we are not getting into the bible shit

Nope. Because in MY belief I don’t feel it is plausible/possible to travel the massive distances necessary.

Yes I know, traveling close to the speed of light, bending space-time yada, yada…I just don’t believe it for many reasons.

Half the stars in our night sky could be dead for all we know. Tough to tell when the light from them takes hundreds of year to reach us.



are they “animals” or made in the image of god?

you tell me lol. I believe there is a God and it made everything. Where another lifeform falls is something I have never bothered to grasp. I would say they would also be in the form of God, being that “the image of God” is something we will never be able to understand

ever consider the fact that maybe aliens are really what we consider our god?
