The I believe poll

Just a little conspiracy barometer for nyspeed.

My vote went away. I voted for pearl harbor but it went away.

weird, what was your vote?

Get your tinfoil hats, kiddies.

I voted but the Onxy edited the results :frowning:

It may have something to do with the errors I kept getting about my poll options being over the 100 character limit. I had to keep hitting back and trimming them down. It took me 4 or 5 tries.

I really wish I would have made option 15 “… that Onyx will edit the results in any poll.”. What a missed opportunity.

LOL that is something that we can not do actually, well without messing around in the database at least. If anyone is going to so that it would be me.

I wonder who is gonna be the first dickhole to choose every one. Now that justa4door doesn’t post, it could be anyone! :shock::eek4:

I probably should have made this anonymous because the real hardcore conspiracy guys aren’t going to vote because then the government will know they know. :slight_smile:

I voted for area 51

I just saw this one the other day:

“41% of people surveyed believe Jesus is coming back by the year 2050”

im not the only one that believe in aliens =D

Pearl Harbor was the reaction of US foreign policy in the pacific and sanctions levied against Japan at the time. However that has historical backing.

I believe that something went down in NM, but that’s because everyone on my fathers side is and was either Colonel or higher in the Air Force since it’s inception in 1947, and old people tend to talk when they don’t care about reprisal. It’s funny how people talk about Hanger 18 at Wright-Patterson AF base, when it’s Hanger 17 that you need top clearance to get near and it’s guarded at all times. I don’t know.

To my knowledge, Obama has not released his birth certificate to the public. There is too much debate over that subject and not enough transparency, which leads me to think if it wasn’t a big deal then why so much debate so I chose, no.

The poll questions ask very specific things about certain subjects, that being said I couldn’t exactly say I believed in certain ones. Had they been worded different i might be inclined to vote for them.

I voted for a few of them, but mine says “none of the above.” I think the U.S. government edited it.


The poll statements looked a lot better before vbulletin slapped me in the face with it’s damn 100 character limit.

I’ll say this, I never believe anything 100%. Some of these, like the 9/11 one, I’m pretty close. I’ll say I’m 99.99999 percent sure the government was not involved with bringing down the towers. JFK on the other hand, lets say I’m 70% sure the government had nothing to do with it. It’s enough for me to say I don’t believe it, but if some secret documents were released tomorrow that proved the CIA was behind it I wouldn’t be astonished. Roswell I’d say I’m 60% sure something not of this world crashed there. Again, if some secret documents were released that explained the things I have issue with in the official story it wouldn’t be hard to get me out of the believer camp.

84% of statistics are made up on the spot.

Aliens exist, it’s scientifically improbable that we are the only intelligent beings in the ever expanding universe. Chances that they had an accident on our planet, good chance…I just hope they had insurance.

JFK, definitely had some sort of cover-up/government involvement, whether it was direct or indirect. Consider the time period and circumstances, it’s not too far fetched to believe that it was somewhat planned.

The JFK thing was definitely sketchy…Definitely not ready to cry conspiracy though.

Roswell is believable

Not a chance in hell I would ever believe the gov’t was behind 911

9/11, jfk, pres is a puppet, and roswell.

A quick search found this, among many sites, that gives a pretty compelling motive for his assassination. Who did it. No idea. The motive is a strong one that would interest many.