The I believe poll

President Puppet, and NM/Area 51.

Hmmm… no love for the sphinx or tsunami theories huh? That’s good, I was trying to pick some that were WAY out there and some that were more widely believed.

I think I did a pretty good job of picking a wide enough spectrum then to get some great data from this. It certainly provided some interesting debate with a few friends at lunch today.

I don’t necessarily believe in the Pearl Harbor conspiracy. I do remember my college history prof had a copy of some tactical plan to sink a ship or cause some harm to the US in order to urge our favor of war. I think it was world war 1 or world war 2 I’m not sure. Of coarse this could have all been bullshit lol.

never heard of the sphinx theory, nor the tsunami. RFID tags are only pointer numbers, they’re useless without database access. just like RFID “microchips” in pets.

compliments on the thread btw. should prove to be a good read in a few pages

I can’t wait for the “select few” to get on here and speak their minds lol

Paging B.E. Devil.
B.E. Devil, you have a telephone call at the front desk.

i would have voted for probably most of them if they were not worded as such. For example the 9/11 thing. If it were worded: do you beleive there is more to is more to it than Osama asking a bunch of brownies to toss planes into buildings and do you believe that there was intentional mis-information and cover-up over it? i would have clicked yes.

same thing for Kennedy and the magic bullet.

Those of you who don’t think we went to the moon… You do realize that even today we can still fire a laser at the mirror array Apollo 11 left there and bounce light back to earth right?

Says NASA who faked the landing? :lol:


Not true. Scientists all over the world have reflected lasers off it.

We went to the moon. Cape Canavarel would be one hell of an expensive theme park otherwise. :stuck_out_tongue:

Just because there is something shiney on the moon doesn’t mean man actually walked on the moon.

Some scientists claim the radiation and lack of protection(atmosphere) on the moon would kill space walkers. Just sayin…

most of these are just funny.

But, if you believe the gov’t was behind 9/11, you are fucked up. They may do some unpopular and corrupt things, but not that.

The people that believe we never went to the moon are probably Scientologists and/or iPhone users.

Fucking LOL

i voted for everything about aliens and 2012… just sayin
and that whole “man on the moon nonsense”… yeah your not fooling me, Neil

lol i laugh at people who still dont believe we went to the moon

the whole groom lake thing was just a big misunderstanding IMO, people’s words got twisted and skewed as they were passed along put that together with people trying to recall things they saw and you can see how it got like that

Kennedy assassination is a little sketchy for sure but i refuse to believe there was more than one shooter

never heard of the sphinx and tsunami conspiracy before now

the jfk assasination was a masonic ritual called the killing of the king. The entire event, day, location and time of death were all masonic.

Interesting. Source?