de-bunking the myths

i hope this outrages newman.

anyways, its a good read and dis-proves the 9/11 conspiracy theories.

read it.

Read that when it was published around a year ago. Pretty interesting, but they won’t convince any conspiracy theorists. They’re usually not interested in facts and physics so much as stretched imagination and half-truths.

After seeing the video that is an hour and 41 minutes long, reading that article makes me upset. There isn’t “common sense” or “fact” in there… just a bunch of “They say” and “look at the pictures” LOL

I’ll still stick with “I don’t know what happened, but I think someone is up to no good”

I don’t put it past our government to treat us like sheep, and kill 3000 people to make all 100+ million of us think the same and let the government take a lot of control, with no feedback from us… interesting how psychology works. And how easily masses are manipulated in tragedy.

Yep… I may not be a conspiracy theorist, but I don’t believe everything I see either :slight_smile:

Good read, however. It did bring more stuff to my attention. Thanks

i didnt look at all of the pages but i didnt see anything about the pentagon.

link me if there is anything.

^Lazy Bastard

i laughed at the pentagon part when they said something along the lines that an airplane crashing into a building isnt going to leave a looney tunes like imprint in the building.

i lol’d

EDIT: i know its old, but i thought it was worth posting anyways. i had just gotten around to reading it

pfffffffffffttt :lol: Don’t trust your own vision, or don’t like that what you can observe doesn’t fit what you want to believe?

And yeah, you’re right. The government would cook up and execute a plan to slaughter 3000 people without anyone blowing the lid off it to the public. There wouldn’t be reporters and politicians fighitng to bring something like that public to advance their careers or anything. And of course all levels of government officials are totally morally corrupt so something like that could be executed without someone going “umm, how about no?”

Can this shit be closed before the stupid gets out of control?

u think that the fire dept. would really let this thing be all hush hush. its politics, and everyone knows that nobody really likes bush.

hell if i worked in the white house, and i wanted to take down bush, i would def uncover a conspiracy.


here we go again


lol. i think people who thought it was a carefully orchestrated attack were nuts.

My beliefs have consistently been as follows (unless i was just trying to push someones’ buttons):- Did our ruling body plan the 9/11 attacks? NO

  • Did they want it to happen? Probably not.
  • Is it our governments fault that it happened? YES.

:lol: sigh

heh, i was just messing with ya

i just remember you starting a thread suggesting foul play on the US end

lol, that was beck, not me.