I think when you see a video like that you have to consider the authors motives. Also, is it easy to believe b/c we have an inherent distrust of the government, or is it the particular political party?
i agree, but isnt if funny that a plan hit the pentagon, and you couldnt see any piece’s of a plane, b/c they “disinagreated” but they could name like 100 plus bodys on that plane that crashed there?
It’s coming in offset from the wall at a 45 degree angle away from the camera.
It’s pretty easy to trick people with normal photography or video if it doesn’t do what a person expects. There’s people that think we didn’t go to the moon for the same reasons.
i watched the whole “loose change video” a while back. very compelling to say the least.
as far as the pentagon video goes, there were reports right after 9/11 that gov officals seized a number of security camera tapes. hotel and gas station parking lot tapes. news tapes etc. it was said to be for “security purposes”.
i believe the video mentions this.
my first reaction after seeing the pentagon vid was it wasn’t a plane. after watching it a few more times, trying to have a more open mind, i’m still not sure.
do i believe the gov knew? yes. did they have a part and this was staged? i don’t know. i wouldn’t be suprised.
as a firefighter it bothers me to think that 343 brother firefighters died trying to save everyone they could in an attack that their gov. staged and was possibly behind.
actually, it pisses me off.
its also hard to fathom that 19 men, most of em barely knew how to fly planes, did all of this with such corrdanation(sp)…and the fact that some of them are still alive to this day… and yes it does suck think that, that many ppl died b/c of the government if it is true