So, a plane didn't hit the Pentagon on 9/11?

Remember the stupid "plane never hit the Pentagon on 9/11 theories?
Check it out. Awesome work.

thats good video work. not sure of the direction u wanted this thread to go in, and im not trying to start anything, but i just dont see how its fair for people to come up with these crazy conspiracies. in a crash like that, there are so many variables. you can create all the models and simulations you want to predict the outsome, but the truth of the matter is, is that if that plane was an inch off of what the simulation shows, that could change everything. and i think that vidoe they show of actualy footage is misleading, because it is probably close to impossible to accurately capture the whole event unless it was done with a high speed camera. where it shows the building exploding with the plane still outise of it, i would be willing to bet thats 2 ‘stages’ of the crash being captured in the same frame of the tape. if you think about it, that plane is moving pretty good at that point.

the whole point of the matter is, what happened, happened, and i dont see why people keep dweling on something that we cannot go back and change and try to pass the blame and conspiracize. it happened, theres nothing we can do to change it, so why keep dwelling on it?

I was kind of reluctant to post it for fear of bringing the nut jobs out of the woodwork. But I thought it was extremely well done in the way it integrated the real images with the simulation. Very convincing if one had any doubt. Of course, the nut jobs have no doubts. Their theories are an article of faith - facts have nothing to do with the belief.

im sorry u think that im a ‘nut job.’

Spiffy recreation.

Right, and we didn’t land on the moon either. For that matter, the fall of the Berlin Wall was a fake, and JFK is still alive hanging out with Castro in Cuba :roll2:

Chillin’ with Elvis of course. Everyone knows that.

How come no other country in history has in fact landed on the moon.Maybe because it has not happened yet.

There are plenty of 9/11 conspiracy theories out there. You cant believe everything they say in them are facts and they do bend the truth in many of them.What do you think are government does. You dont think they bend the truth?Do you believe that everything is reported in Iraq accurately? Things get toned down and vice versa. It’s all propaganda. I think the numbers are far off what they actually are. Then again this is all my opinion. I hate the government and its decisions but realize the importance of it.

Did you know millions are spent on the thanksgiving turkeys that are pardoned by the president every year? So they can be in retirement the remainder of their live’s.

Thats one of my fav’s with great background music

your joking right? you really believe we haven’t landed on the moon?

I hear grey dust balls are all the rage now a days. :shrug:

Dude…no other countries have landed on the moon because there is no point for other countries to land on the moon. We did it FIRST. We took some samples. Guess what it’s made of? Yep, rock and dust. We did it to advance our space program capabilities and we suceeded. It would be like someone spending millions today to find the Titanic…

This thread taught me that we haven’t really landed on the moon. That is was just a hoax.


This thread is a hoax. The government is just trying to get you to believe that it’s real. Fuckers.

<= [grabs popcorn and watches the nutjobs come out of the woodwork]

Everyone knows the moon was just a government plot. It’s really just a large circular blimp with HID’s to give off the appearance of moon light.


My only reply, is you nutjobs really need to watch the South Park where Cartman blames Kyle for 9/11.

this is sad to see. fucking religious nuts

Seriously, on the whole landing on the moon thing. Why doesnt some place with a power full telescope just look at the moon where they landed. Im sure you will still see foot prints and other signs that they were there.

The one thing that i dont understand about consipracy theorists, esp. those pertaining to 9/11, is how they believe that the events of the attacks were really government plots.

In micheal moore’s film he tries to show that the pentagon was really hit by a missil instead of a plane for example. I don’t understand how they believe that something like this is utterly possible to not be uncovered by the media. “oh yea , its the government, they can cover anything up!”. Well, no. Something that complex and indepth, would involve so many people, resources and branches of government that it would come out. There is no way that it would not come out to the media. Someone would come forward, or something would be accidentaly uncovered. Common sense tells someone that covering up a plot this involved would be impossible.

I think its a good possibility that we havent landed on it.Maybe i have watched one to many moon conspiracy shows.

Other countries have tried to get there but have not figured out how yet.Thats how many years later and they still cant get there yet.china is working on a mission to the moon.I hope they make it there and prove the U.S. was not there at all.