So, a plane didn't hit the Pentagon on 9/11?

Im not religious.Where did it say i believed in XXXX religion.This has nothing to do with religion.Or did you mean i believe that and only that.Im just saying there is a possibility


What movie?

I think it’s a good possibility that you were dropped at birth. More than once.

i’m sorry that i think you’re a nutjob, too

Its a possibility,just like landing on the moon

Let me present an arguement using all the requirements of internet conspiracies.

Conspiracy: Driving old turbo cars causes you to be a dumbass.

Random fact supporting it: 87conquestTSi is a dumbass.

Reaction of the internet lemmings: Holy shit, he’s right. Driving old turbo cars really does cause you to be a dumbass. It makes total sense.

… interesting
And my big chrome wheels make me black.

I hope you know theres alot more to back up both conspiracies.Not just what i briefly mentioned.That is funny though even though it probably took an hour for you to come up with. :tup:

Wait, you mean you were white this whole time? Why didn’t someone tell me!

One a serious note, read, and learn:

And my conspiracy theory above took me all of 5 minutes to come up with. It was in keeping with the spirt of other internet conspiracies.


uggh let me think of it now…

i really am not sure, i’m not a huge fan of micheal moore so i didnt pay too much attention, but it was on a movie channel and i watched it breifly.

So how many shooters were there for JFK?1 or 3?

In my mind, Michael Moore claiming that something is fake is absolutely beyond a shadow of a doubt conclusive evidence that it is true.

yeah i dont like him.
the 9/11 conspiracy is a little farfetched and i dont really believe it but i just have that little bit of a doubt that everything wasent truthfull.
the moon landing has a better chance of being false since there are alot fewer people involved.Jfk i dont think there was only one shooter but we will never know

Some of these posts have been pretty funny. Thanks for the LOL’s. I especially liked “I am sorry too”. The Kennedy assasination is one thing, 9/11 is another. Let’s see - there were eye wittnesses to the events of 9/11, real time reports from many of them to boot. Lots of video from many different sources including LIVE FOOTAGE. Plenty of physical evidence. People who have confessed to the acts who have a plausible motive have come forward. Besides no evidence, the nut-jobs haven’t even identified a plausible theory or motive. Gee, who is right? That’s a toughie, isn’t it?

Nut jobs to the max.