i believe people have a right to watch/hear this. *9/11*


most of these things that they state seem very believable. take a look for yourself. 1.5hr video.

produced by “loose change”

mods, i hope this won’t get moved. this isn’t some car video or whatever. i believe every person has a right to watch this and to take the moment to think about it. hopefully everyone will agree to this. thanks!

PS: first 5min are boring but after that it really hits home. Be patient.

ive seen that, theres 2 versions. Its crazytown, population you. But most of it is all theory, but all in all interesting.


seen them both… i like alot of it.

its a shame that they dont edit out much of the less plausible scenarios.

if they made the video shorter and only included the sound evidence along with all the contradictions of the official report then it would be more effective at swaying peoples opinions.

even if there really were missiles on the planes i dont think that it will help convince people.

first convince them, then if there really were missiles, enrage them.


but this new version is cool , good stuff.

sorry if this was a repost.

but still interesting enough. i thought 100% it was the planes that brought down the WTC. but now, i’m not so sure. this is talked about at the 1/2 mark of the video. they make very valid points and make you open your eyes.

i used to follow the conspiracy crap behind 9/11 closely… it’s always interesting/entertaining but that’s all that it is unfortunately.

I wish all of the speculation was true because I love that shit, but its just not. It’s a classic case of Michael Moore syndrome – everything is blown out of proportion.

Just like Farenheit 9/11 (sp?) there was a government funded rebuttle that clarifies all of the claims made, which in both cases is actually even more entertaining than the originals.

the same thing happended a few years ago when those guys (cant remember who it was) claimed that the US never landed on the moon and had all sorts of awesome reasons that it was staged and convinced pretty much everyone who watched the show that the whole thing was fake. Then a few months later a government funded show aired (and like the other rebuttles, got much less coverage so not many people saw it) which cleared up the confusion for everyone and put some sense back in to the non-believers.

I wish it was all fake, but it just isnt. ;(

so where are the reasons to which this video made very valid points? i’m not believing it entirely, but it makes me ask the same questions.

did the govt yet release anything on 9/11, that counter attacks the pts mentioned? usually when someone attacks another and critisizes the other party, that party would usually react knowing that it’s not true. its human nature.

its been 5yrs, and i havnt heard much from the govt’s side.

i would love to hear both stories.

one thing that really makes me wonder, what really hit the pentagon? we all saw clear pictures and it does look like a clear round hole. and why is there a DISTINCT hole on the other side of the pentagon. watch the first 15-20min of it.

i beleive 100% that there is no way that the planes brought down the buildings.

the case in point is WTC 7, that building was not hit by anything and it still fell that day.

i watched the twin tower go down on live tv at school on 911. Probably when they announced that a plane hit the pentagon, i was already thinking in my head. WTF …theres no plane in there. then when the towers collapsed. i already thought it was fishy. i always believed that the gov’t was behind this the second day after. Then when videos like this and documents simular was released, i knewi was right at the beginning.

its pretty obvious actually… same thing as watergate… follow the money.

hell, there were pre-emptive signs before hand, years before hand, that something like this would happen.

they mention the reports in loose change II, something like how the US needed this type of incident to justify a war… the CBC did a program on those documents years back, it was mind-blowing… and this was the friggin CBC.

the names on the report are the names of the men behind Bush.

I’ve seen them all. Best videos i’ve seen regarding a terrorist attack. 5 f***** thumbs up. I love it and it makes you think.

I have somthing to post as well. its a gravity scale thing, Shows u how the buildings collapsed too fast.

if you watch the entire video, it also talks about how they collapse at free fall speeds of 9seconds. which is how long it takes for you to blow up buildings. they also point out that when the WTC collapses, you can see dust spirt out before hand, maybe 4 floors before the actual collapse.

what is also interesting is that there was a tripod recording all of this and it shakes BEFORE the collapse. im beleiving what i see. unless they edit the videos and put it in themselves then the facts are garbage, but i assume they would give actual facts than make them up.

i believe this video should be circulated to friends/family. i am very grateful for having seen this and open my eyes.

hope this thread is stickied or kept and not locked/moved!

ps: thanks for posting your opinions Bing. shows that you support this thread being made.

Geez. This isnt car related, it gets moved.


Samson, please.

Again, before I write anything I want to re-itterate what I already said - I’m not being the ignorant fool who believes what the government tells me… I sincerely followed this hoping that all of these crazy claims were true.

I actually watched a show a few weeks ago - I can’t rememebr what its called now but they rebuttled the pentagon thing. I think it was CNN who did it actually - if you remember the part in the movie where the news caster says something about (I havent seen it in ages) “there is no evidence that a plane crashed here” or something along those lines… Well, that SAME reporter was doing the report - he was there at the crash site and he was clearing his name beacuse of these videos who quoted him. He played the “rest of the tape” and he goes on to explain how he was actually talking about a second set of damage to the pentagon that was caused by only a part of the plane - that is the part in these videos where theres just a hole, intact windows, no left overs from the plane, no damage from the wings of the plane, etc.

Thats all missing because the videos make it seem like that was the only damage to the pentagon when in fact just off to the side there is MASS DESTRUCTION of the wall, a huuuggeee portion of the wall is missing - unlike what they show you in the videos. look at the following picture. on the north side of the pentagon there are two “lines” of destruction the one on the east (right) is very small from the outside compared to the one on the west (left). the ones featured in these conspiracy videos are only showing you the one on the east.


the news caster was saying hes insulted and whatnot by these claims because they make it sound like hes talking about something he wasnt talking about.

this is just one of the many claims which i’ve cleared up for you, but trust me when I say they had a rebuttle for all of them - you say its gone 5 years with no rebuttle but theres been quite a few shows now clearing up all of these claims over the past year or so. i dont watch much tv, but my parents do and know im always interested so they call me whenever stuff like this airs… maybe you just missed it all? :slight_smile:

oh and regarding Bing’s comments and the rest of the building-falling-too-fast speculation - i’m not an expert on the subject and im really not trying to defend the fact that it was real or anything - Just trying to bring a bit of sense to the table :wink: I can’t comment on any of those things because I’m not an expert on gravity and don’t really recall what the defense was for the buildings “falling too fast”.

What I can say though is, keep an open mind. Just because there may have been bombs in there assisting the takedown of the towers doesnt mean that george bush and his minions planted them - maybe Osama did that as well? I dunno, nobody does :slight_smile:

Note that george’s name is never capitalized when I type it - I’ve got no respect for him and i’m NOT TRYING TO support his claims. :stuck_out_tongue:

nah johnny,

World Trade Centre tower # 7 collapsed on September 11th, 2001 and it was not hit by a plane.

most people do not even know that it fell at all.

if it did fall as a result of the planes you would think there would be as much ‘to-do’ about it as there were with the twin towers. perhaps even more so since it WASNT HIT BY A PLANE.

but bringing attention to that would likely make people question the validity of the whole thing, because there is no way that falling debris from the other towers made WTC 7 fall hours later. that is totally implausible.

they say that internal fires led to the collapse… uh huh… internal fires collapsed a building… good try guys.

if you ask me, the Loose Change videos should focus more on issues like WTC 7. It would peak curiousities simply because few people realise that a third tower fell.

Again I can’t rebuttle on behalf of the US government - I have no idea why WTC 7 fell.

I’m the first to admit that it’s an interesting story though - there are a few websites devoted to those details.

crosses fingers that the government is lying I just need better proof thats all - I know too well how bent out of shape the facts can get when someone is trying to prove a point.

Basically, what they are saying is that given the rate at which gravity will bring something like the tower down (if there were no obstacles, ie: each floor beneath), it would take 9.2 seconds for the top floor to hit the ground.
Wheras if the building collapsed floor by floor (plane hitting the building where it did, then each floor collapsing intop of the next one, then onto the next one, and so on), it would not be a straight free fall. Each floor would be an obstacle in the way, slowing the fall down.

They time the video, and it took 10 seconds for the top floor to hit the ground from the time it started falling. Basically a free-fall.

Each floor was demolished by explosives. and you can see each floor exploding in the vids too. Not to mention, the tower would have toppled over sideways with the plane hitting it like that, falling faster on one side than the other… not straight and controlled. This was a demolition. You can clearly see it.

^^^ good call…