

god bless those who was lost on that day!

I can’t believe it was 7 years ago already. RIP

Wow … Still seems like yesterday.


My thoughts as well

time goes by fast RIP and god bless

My wife was driving home this morning from near the Pentagon and said traffic was completely tied up. Secret service, police, etc. Not sure if it was just precaution or if there was a memorial service.

If you haven’t seen the video Loose Change which has several valid points on the conspiracy …its worth watching on youtube

Popular Mechanics put out a retaliation report to the claims of the conspiracy which did just as good of a job proving their points.

No matter what you believe - its worth watching.

i really don’t think it’s worth watching… those kids made some huge conclusions… it’s mostly crap

Regardless of what everybody says, the fact of the matter is were doing good throughout the world because of it, and were now aware of what people in the war stricken countries deal with on a daily basis. my extreme condolances to the people that lost someone that they know or love on 9/11/01… however, america drives on, and its heroes like united flight 93 that show us that even in the face of danger, americans are still willing to do the right thing to help others. God bless them all. Never Forget, Never Faulter, Never Fail… These Colors Will Never Run

mostly is the key word. I watched it, if you have a open mind its worth watching. There are SOME good points, of course the whole vid is one sided, but even keeping that in mind it opens your eyes and raises questions.

Either way real people died in the towers, RIP to all.

haha im sure the million or so dead iraqis and THEIR families might have a different opinion. and loll @ “these colors dont run”. i cant believe people actually say that shit out loud.

I forgot, I’m not going to Lie.
Did remember it’s my sisters birthday however.

someone seriously deleted that? fucking lame.

I agree that Loose Change is mostly one sided…its a good starting point though. I did find it ironic that the investigation was extremely short lived and seemed rushed and hush hush. There is some doctor/engineer out there Steven “something” that brings many more factual and solid points regarding the “attacks”

The media that brings out “Bush knew before the planes hit the towers” is bullshit. 10,000’s of threats are issued to the FBI daily and seeding out the fictitious from the genuine threats are hard to target. Even if there was a valid threat, what could have been an effective countermeasure? - Shutting down all U.S. flights?

Either way… this is something that mind boggles/frustrates me every time I hear facts leading one way or the other. I wish there was a lot more transparency into our government.

omg get real asshole!!! you’re, by far, the least person concerned with others… it’s funny… when it’s one person or an unknown, who cares, fuck’em, when it’s lumped together as a mass of people to talk shit on our government, all of a sudden you’re concerned.

i don’t know whats more tacky, the motto “colors don’t run” or you pretending to give a shit about people that died during the ‘conflict’.

Bush and his office knew about the attacks since early march 2001
Italy , UK , France and jordan warned us of attacks. right up until aug 2001.

How else do you think we knew bin laden was responsible barely a day afterwards.

as for the other far fetched theories as a rocket hit the pentagon. I don’t know. but were are the people? Hanging out in Africa with Tupac elvis and Princess DIana ??
We can’t even build a road in america to last 25 years, let alone pay off thousands of people to keep quiet that are in the circle.

Some things are just best unknown. American Politics is shady shit, If we really did know the 100% truth probably best we did not.

However Bush caused Katrina :kekegay:


Albany is the capital of New York.

I actually agree with sonny’s last post @ darkstar.


Blanyer is bringing me a pizza tonight

I’m desensitized regarding 9/11 at this point. It’s been beat into our heads every year that it was the worst tragedy ever, and I just don’t give a fuck anymore. If it was such a tragedy, devote more resources to finding the culprit.