The I believe poll

^ Fox News.

Yeah probably not.

King-Kill 33: Masonic Symbolism in the Assassination of John F.Kennedy.

Lengthy but very informative. In short, he was killed in dealey plaza on the 32nd parallel, and the kill shot happened right in front of the mason temple in the plaza. The whole plaza is dedicated to freemasonry. He was killed in the 11th month on the 22nd day for anyone who understands masonic numerology and symbolism. The motorcade route was masonic as well. This and much much more is involved in the king kill ritual. He explains it all. Also heres a video of the secret service that were supposed to stand on the back of his car being told to stand down when the motorcade starts.

and heres a very informative video about the alterations made to the zapruder film. Remember the film was not released to the public until a year after the assassination. Abraham Zapruder was also a 33rd degree freemason and an imformant for the CIA.

Very interesting I will have to read through that.

I believe are government is too dumb to scheme up things like 9/11, Roswell or Pearl Harbor. They just take the credit when the nutjobs pull out their tin foil hats and claim the government planned everything.

and what science is that?.. if the chance of life arising was no better than say 1 in a billion then it wouldn’t be all that unlikely that the earth is it- especially considering all the random yes/no survive or die situations that must have taken place over the past millions of years…

for example… on a planet that we already know has life on it…earth… why haven’t we managed to witness any spontaneous creation of new life? even intelligent beings…ourselves… haven’t seem to been able to figure it out… so what makes you think time and space would do any better?

Well what are we considering aliens here? Does it have to be complex life or does something like bacteria count?

there are many declassified documents that tell us that most “ufos” are actually US government aircraft. Ever notice that when a ufo crashes on some guys farm, the government gets there before the farmer can get from his cow to the ufo. Also notice how theres no REAL pictures of aliens. They are government aircraft for the most part.

even so… have we ever witnessed the spontaneous development of even something as simple as RNA or DNA which are really just complex protein chains…no we haven’t

o boy, i see this turning into a god debate very quickly

no reason for it to… i’m simply saying that despite people thinking that because the universe is so huge there OBVIOUSLY has to be other life out there it is hardly the case… the odds are stacked gravely against life surviving let alone even getting started…

earth was the 1 in a billion shot and it quite possibly is the only one… vast amount of time and space do not automatically result in vast amounts of life…

But they don’t rule it out.

There isn’t an exact measurement on how large the universe is, probably because it’s constantly growing and expanding, so the odds for the argument of life elsewhere are probably greater than you think. Proof would be amazing to validate either side. However i believe there has been evidence for the case of life elsewhere.

---------- Post added at 10:33 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:21 AM ----------

By the way this story has nothing to do with the poll choices made in this thread. I just thought it was a great example of how history is twisted and then the new history is accepted by the masses. I personally never knew that Paul Revere was not the specific messenger that night. People love patriotic stories we can rally around as a country, whether true or not. Seems like an interesting book.

Even taking into note the Fermi Paradox (the apparent contradiction between high estimates of the probability of the existence of extraterrestrial civilizations and the lack of evidence for, or contact with, such civilizations.) there’s still an estimated percent of 0.01 for the existence of intelligent life, as per Dr. Andrew Watson (UAE). This may seem like a very small number but the fact that the universe is so vast to the point of being beyond human comprehension, our estimates and theories on the percentage of life are only guesses and hunches. There’s no real argument for or against life outside of our own planet because we simply cannot and will not know the factors contributing to the probability.

Agreed, unless of course something showed up here one day. Or Roswell somehow turns out to be true. I personally believe although logical based on probability, arrogant for us to think that we would be the only intelligent living beings in the universe. Either way I’d like to see proof someway or another one day. Same goes for god.

and yet the fact remains… the intelligent beings that we know exist on a planet that we know supports life have not been able to witness or facilitate the spontaneous creation of life… and have on more than a few occasions seriously put into peril the continued existence of life of earth…

and despite me stating that i didn’t think this needed to become a religious debate… the seemingly faith-based support of the existence of life outside of our planet certainly seems to be bordering on the religious… we could be having the exact same discussion about the flying spaghetti monster here… and really in a “probability drives everything” universe in all the vastness of space there MUST be a flying spaghetti monster out there somewhere right?

Sure, but evidence one way or another confirming or denying the existence of intelligent life would be nice before making such judgement.

lets look at some other numbers here quickly… the simplest genome on a self supporting living creature yet discovered is about 1.3 million base pairs and belongs to a carbon eating bacteria that lives in the ocean… so there you have about 1.3 million survive or die opportunities multiplied over every time that animal has had offspring… those are numbers that are easily as vast as the time ans space of the universe… and we are only talking about one of the simplest forms of life we are aware of here… not even something as complex as a plant let alone something capable of intelligent thought as we are discussing here

---------- Post added at 11:29 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:24 AM ----------

thats all well and good… just don’t say that the probability supports it when that is not the case… if you believe there is other life out there just say so

Yes but you are basing your argument off of everything you know. We grew and survived on this planet because of conditions that existed here to eventually facilitate this discussion we are having now. Very different conditions on very different planets could produce very different lifeforms that we do not exactly hold to our grasp of what life is.

Again, proof either way would be the key. However, logically, you cannot rule out something like that out. In your scope and point of view the numbers might stack up against life, let alone intelligent life somewhere else. What are the numbers for it? How can a conclusion be drawn when only one side of an argument is given?

---------- Post added at 11:36 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:33 AM ----------

I’m just saying that it’s impossible to logically say that there is or is not life out there, especially without proof for or against. I don’t believe solidly in much. However if you asked me my opinion I would say that the odds of life being out there are probably not that small.

are you sure about that percentage… 0.01 is what 1 in 10000? those seem like staggeringly high odds when you consider how many stars and planets are out there… with such high odds i would say we would most certainly have expected to find something by this point… maybe check out that percentage again

---------- Post added at 03:56 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:55 PM ----------

alright i understand your point… you should check out the book ‘darwin’s dangerous idea’ by daniel c dennett it has a nice explanation of why the possibility of life arising is so vanishingly small

an no daniel c dennett is not an intelligent design enthusiast… far far from it

I’m positive on that percentage, which is why I posted.

Google Professor Andrew Watson and read his article about the Fermi Paradox and probability of life.