

OMG just lock it now

did you really think it would not turn into that

No need for lock, I am just as open minded as those who are not into the whole religion thing. Do you think the gov admitting they have aliens will create a new religion for the little green guys?

ask raptor jesus

become a part of this planetary community

I thought we’re not allowed anymore. Because we tried to hide the Space Cash and keep it for ourselves…

I’ve seen printed editions of the bible that is even more tinfoilhatish that refer to “sons of God” as “supernatural beings.”

^^ Just saw that episode. lol.

They exist.
They visit.
They probe.

There are 195 countries.

If you water board an alien is it torture?

I really LOL’d at this. Are people really this dumb/ignorant?

Edit: not you…your quote!

LOL did you see that on tv a few days ago with the guy that paid $800 to get it done to him

Sad isn’t it?

I mean, if you wanna ballparks it and say 500 I wouldn’t be so disgusted. But thousand[S]! oh dear!

speaking in the last 2 thousand years. come on now… from the roman empire on up.

They must have saved a few notes for the emperor. “uh yea, Caesar left a note in his desk, don’t tell them about the aliens!”

ok again…so let’s ballpark 500.

I’d guestimate that being low. but call it what you want.


Better question, if you water board an alien when water boarding is not considered torture, only to have a new president call it torture, should you be charged for your past actions?

lol this is great, this thread goes from talking about life outside earth, then god and now it is turning political