
^ I figured it was already well off topic when I decided to fuck with it some more.

Why wouldn’t they? We almost have the ability now, and we’ve only been flying a little over 100 years. In another 100 years…

BTW, here’s a very interesting link, better set aside a few hours. Go to the bottom, and start with release #1. I’m not saying I believe this is true, IMHO at the very worst, it’s made up completely, at the very least, it’s all true except for names and places being changed to protect…someone (The star system mentioned does not match the actual system, stuff like that)…

There needs to be intelligent life out there somewhere…because its not on this planet.

Exactly where I was heading, but the thread went all sideways and crashed into a wall of Jebus.

It’d be kinda funny if this PRG group’s headquarters suddenly burned to the ground overnight.

What they put out in May, if anything, should be interesting.

If aliens took over the space station would they be consider pirates, but if these were ginger aliens would the pirates of Africa outcast them since they have no soul?

I think most people here can’t think beyond their own little worlds, so that was bound to happen :slight_smile:

Well its not about “flying” per se.

Even if we could ‘fly’ at light speed (and most of the scientific community agrees that it is impossible) it would still take several hundred years to reach the nearest planet that could possibly support life. Do you think some other life form is simply coming here to take a look only to turn back?

The other theory is that we could somehow fold space in order to shorten the distance traveled. This argument has about as many holes as does time travel.

Again, this is just my belief. You are entitled to yours just as much as the silly spaghetti monster believers in this thread are entitled to theirs.

How can something we have no idea how to do have holes? This is the problem, it’s like you are assuming we know everything about physics, we have only scratched the surface. We don’t even know how gravity works, which is probably something that has to be mastered in order to warp space (which is what gravity does). Think beyond our current ignorance and maybe you will be more open minded.

And here is another problem, we have no idea how many planets out there can support life, so why say “hundreds of light years”? For all we know Alpha Centauri has an earthlike planet. We won’t know until the ESA launches Darwin. NASA in it’s infinite ignorance decided to cancel the TPF program.

Lots of scientists thought that airplanes would rip apart at speeds approaching the speed of sound.

Only by breaking it did we find out for sure.

Most of the scientific community also thought that the sun rotated around the earth.

At one time they all also agreed that the earth was flat.

Humm do you see the picture I’m painting?

I like reading stuff like this, like you said at the very least it’s made up, which at least keeps me entertained for a while. Nice find.

edit: People here claim everything is a hoax for a book, but it’s based on hunces and is kind of far-fetched, not to mentioned hasn’t been completely finished.

And we are ranked like 30th in math and science.
Thanks teachers of the USA.:tup:

And yes I believe. Do you really think the Yeti is from this planet? Duh!

Aliens exist. Stupid arrogant humans are not the epicenter of everything and not the only race out there (thankfully)

Why, because we as humans have come this far in such a short while, and you think that given a few thousand more we couldn’t do some umimagineable things?

You have a pretty narrow view, and honestly, nieve.

Many astronauts, from various countries have all reported encounters with things that point to us being watched.

with todays technology and knowledge

Why would we need to be limited to flying at light speed? … light speed is used as a measuring stick (reference point) simply because that is the fastest speed we were able to measure with our current technology

ABSOLUTELY! Why would any Intelligent life form want anything to do with an IGNORANT, SELFISH, ARROGANT, and DESTRUCTIVE race such as ours.
Human beings are a really fucking stupid race. We are the cockroaches of the universe. At least cockroaches are smart enough not to destroy their own habitat.

And this is your consensus based on what? All the things you know nothing about?

Beliefs have as much value as the story of the boogie man when we were 5 and the most ridiculous story of all with God and Jesus that many still cling to.

I dunno. I think people are good at heart. I bet if there is some more mature race watching us it’s with the nostalgic view of a parent watching a child making mistakes in the name of learning.

I just hope two scenarios don’t happen that would end our advancement:
#1 - We run out of fossil fuels or cook the planet before we learn clean renewable resources.
#2 - We kill ourselves with our technology. Did you know Russia detonated a nuclear weapon that shook the Earth? The shock wave of the Tsar Bomba circled the globe three measurable times. Oh and that was at 50% design capacity.
I wouldn’t be too surprised to see either in my lifetime.