
come on guys, of course there are aliens …

case in point:

lol and this thread climaxed.

sounds interesting in my eyes, theres no way in hell we are the only living beings in the fucking universe.

I know I just did when I saw thast pic of ALF lmfao


I doubt anything we can do with fossil fuels will ever cook the planet. It’s seen far greater climate shifts in the history of geological time than we’ll ever be able to top. Could we change our coastline and maybe speed up the next ice age, maybe, but as a species we’ll find ways to survive it. If an ice age comes and you’re an underdeveloped tropical country I’d be very worried about visitors from the north. :slight_smile:

Killing ourselves with some massive WWIII bombing campaign maybe.
And yeah, I know about the Tsar Bomba 3 times around the earth thing… :wink:

Ron White had a great plan for expanding the US south. Buy Mexico, fix it up, and flip it. Take the money you made and buy Guatemala. Fix it up, flip it. Each time you move south that border wall we have to eventually build gets a little shorter. Eventually we end up back at the Panama Canal, and the wall is pretty much built for us. And, should that ice age come, we have some nice warm southern land to hang out on.

I forgot to post this before!!!

Pretty crazy stuff.

The probability that we are not alone is greater than the probability that we are alone.

What did he suggest we do with the current residents? Foreclose on all of their debt to us and evict them to Africa? :lol:

Not getting into this too much, because everyone has their own beliefs and reasoning skillset - that being said, let me point out this: At one point not so long ago most of the scientific community (using cutting edge technology at the time) agreed that 1.) the earth was flat 2.) the solar system revolved around the earth 3.) that radium should be a dietary supplement 4.) … ah you get the point.

I don’t remember, but we’re going to need someone to landscape all those new high end condos.

I wonder how that works when one country buys another. Do all of the mexicans suddenly become citizens? Or can we do it like a corporate buyout and keep a few that do the things we need workers for, and lay off the rest?

Hopefully we just adopt their environmental policies and labor regulations so we can compete on global scale. :wink:

Im literally laughing and how confident you sound right now. Im not saying you’re wrong but thinking your absolutely right is just silly. But hey, since you know all these things with 110% confidence, ill help forward your resume to NASA so the world can finally know the truth.

Also, LOL at all you people hating on the religious factors in this matter. I cant speak for anything but Christianity, but how would the fact that there are Aliens, change anything based on modern Christian beliefs. The ones calling people who have a faith, “ignorant,” are just as stupid if they don’t realize most Christian theory’s go hand in hand with science now a days. You all just get hung up on quoting the bible and blaming why evolution cant be taught in schools. Obviously there is a sect of any group that opposes the standard (cough Evangelicals cough) beliefs of the rest of the group.

With that said, lets derail this further with the religion talk some more.