
Let’s see if we can get some sort discussion going on, about the matter.

Since Aliens is such a broad term, I’m going to break it down, as well as I know, into categories.

  1. We are the only life form existing in the universe, on this sole planet, Earth.

  2. We are the only life form existing at the moment, but there have been other life in the universe’s cycle.

  3. There is other life out there, but its not intelligent, like amoebas and simple cell organisms.

  4. There is intelligent life out there, but the are not advanced enough to have visited us, or as most intelligent civilizations, eventually self destructed.

  5. There is life out there, and it visits us all the time (UFOs, conspiracy theories).

  6. They are among us.

I think that about covers it :ponder

With the universe being as vast as it is, and there being, trillions of other solar systems out there, and the age of the universe, I personally think it’s a little close minded to think that nothing couldn’t have ever gone on somewhere else. Are they as advanced as we are? Probably not.

I would be a 3 on my list.

My input is neither one of those, im going to combine them.

I believe that in our solar system there has been life on other planets other than Earth, that died off a long time ago. I.E, venus, mars.

But I also believe that there is other intelligent life in the universe, it would be almost impossible to believe that their isn’t. It could be prehistoric compared to our current life on Earth or it could be twice as advaced. Who knows…

i belive in mexicans ;D

Wrong kinda aliens :haha

I’m just waiting on somebody to chime in and say that there is nothing out there so we could have a solid debate.

The current generation’s view on this matter is drastically different from lets say baby boomers. Who knows what factors affected it, technology, space exploration, religion losing it’s strength and common place?

i knew what ya meant. i was just seeing who would get riled up :lol

I think your spot on, in particular with that last part. It seems so hard to believe that a similar set of circumstances doesn’t exist some place else among the billions(that we know of) galaxies out there - then again I have nothing to prove it or disprove it, it just seems like the odds are good. I hope we don’t find out in my life time, I can’t picture humans interacting with an inferior or superior species in a way that would be anything but a disaster of epic proportions, our minds(even the most enlightened) are far to primitive to grasp the idea. Thats not even getting into how the alien may behave, the limited text written on the subject is scary to say the least.