Hubble Telescope Deep Image

Thought I would share this. Enjoy.



:bowrofl: spanler/sinister sighting at the 1:30 mark.

very interesting. On the idea of life in other worlds, you still have to consider that even with all those planets, there still may not be life on them, atleast that we can speak with.

Consider that there are X amount of earth like bodies in universe. Then consider that sat 1/2 amount of those can even have life on them, then consider how many of those will develope to the point we are today, then consider how many have developed to that point, but were lost do to various reason, and so on and so on down the line. We very well may be the only planet with life (atleast equal or more advanced then we are) There could be only 2-3 others like that, and they could be 100,000 million light years away.

Kind of dissapointing.

think of this, wonder how many are more devolped than us?

that kinda shit fascinates the hell out of me

at least one, that’s where quik is from


man…thats crazy wierd to even think about…

that is a great video! it is amazing to think what else is out there!

you should check out nasa world wind program… neato stuff on there too.

very interesting!

i took an astronomy course FOR my WIFE when she was in college. :rofl: the whole class! it was cool :dunno:

Pretty fascinating…I wonder how many of them had dinosaurs…that died and turned into oil…

It would be pretty scary if we found a planet where people who look just like us physically, but live like animals, hunting eachother in packs, and eating one another.

Seriously though, as much as it fascinates me, I’m kind of a cynic. I have trouble believing there is life on other planets, not that I have any real way of knowing.

im taking a astronomy class right now and it is very hard to take it all into consideration…

holy shit

:bowrofl: :bowrofl: